Attraverso Lo Sport Testimoniamo La Risurrezione E La Vita

It is really difficult to live a moment of celebration in front of images of horror that despise the value of life.

Yet once again we have shown that we are a welcoming community, that is ready to extend a hand, that does not shy away from difficulties and does not bow down before the celebration of hatred.

The sport we know is a place of humanity that offers opportunities for sharing, builds bridges and firmly opposes everything it destroys.

It is a historical moment that is subjecting us to a severe trial, which has changed our habits of life and in the face of which we must find, as women and men of faith, the courage to react so as not to let ourselves be overwhelmed by the wave of daily suffering that at times does not seem to want to abandon us.

Holy Easter, for us athletes, is the best opportunity to bear witness to our “being” in spite of everything, to rise again in our spirit, to give light to our “being human” and to celebrate life as a sacred and inviolable gift.

There are places where the dimension of encounter reconciles us with the deepest sense of our freedom: these are our fields and our gyms where, for some time now, we have resumed experiencing the most beautiful emotions that only sporting activity can give.

Let us then turn our gaze to the cross so that it may illuminate our choices and give us the strength and perseverance to continue to walk paths of hope.

Happy Easter to all of you and your loved ones.

Ciro Bisogno
National President of PGS